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A Thanksgiving Message From Trey Kistler

A Thanksgiving Message From Trey Kistler

Wow! What a year it has been! I can't believe my last newsletter was way back in April. Time flies when you're having fun and working hard. I hope to have a newsletter to send each and every month from here on out with the help of my staff, our editor Bob Nelson, and the guys from Paradigm Media, who manage our web site. Without them, I would not be able to send out my letters in a professional manner. Thanks guys!

The holiday season is upon us now and with changes in the weather, the fish become more active. It's a wonderful time to reflect on our families, nature, and more spiritual things as we get closer to Christmas. Thanksgiving Day, to me, is a time to slow down and remember how blessed I am in my life. Even throughout the daily struggles that life can throw at me, I still am so very thankful to have such a good life. Thanks be to God who continues to grant me good health, great friends, loyal customers, and a wonderful family.

As you might already know, I like to express my beliefs and my faith in God throughout my business dealings. So I pray this short message will inspire, encourage, and even spur each one of you on to think deeply about your life and your future. If I offend anyone, please forgive me, as I do not mean to sound like a preacher or a saint by any stretch of the imagination.

Thanksgiving Day should last all week, don't you think? All that good food, dessert, football games, naps on the lazy boy, and for some of us, good times with our extended families. For me, it is time off from the hectic pace of work so I can relax and enjoy my family. I can finally sit down and listen to each one of them tell me about their life's ups and downs. These people we call family might just be the only ones we can count on in this world. Other than family, we might just have some very close friends that care for us as much or more than our family would. This year why not go deeper with our conversations and discover each others fears, struggles, and dreams. What good is surface talk anyway? Ask yourself, what conversations will have true value after the Thanksgiving Day festivities if we just talk about the weather and the football scores.

In fact, why not stretch yourself to bring up spiritual conversations? What does God say about Thanksgiving? In the Bible, book of Colossians, chapter 2, verse 6-7. Paul says, "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Now I think, God is saying through Paul, to those who already know Christ, talk, live, help out, and encourage each other daily just as Christ did with his friends and family. We should all share with each other how thankful we are for each and every good thing in our lives. This can ultimately produce a closer unity between us.

At the very least, I might suggest that we do our best to use two words more often this season, they are the words "Thank You". People never become tired of hearing those two little words and neither will God, for that matter. Our attitudes will be reflected by our words. Either thankfulness or complaining will be expressed from our mouths this season. The one that gives thanks can find comfort in everything, but the one that complains will find comfort in nothing, not even our favorite pastime of fishing. A perfect example for me is a day on the lake with only a few small fish caught. This can either give me a grumpy attitude when I complain or I can choose to be thankful for those few fish and the time I was allowed in God's outdoor creation.

In closing, I would like to wish you and your family the most wonderful holiday ever. May God draw you closer to Him so that you feel His caring love for your life. I pray that you will search your heart and find true joy this year by reflecting on how blessed we are as children of God.

Good Eating,
Trey Kistler
