KISTLER Custom Fishing Rods
Line Reminder Labels
The best price on a Kistler without retail mark-up.
The price of this Kistler if we sold in Big Box stores like BassPro or Academy.
Never Forget Again

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
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100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Size of labels
5 mm x 5 mm

Kistler Line Reminder Labels
Don't Waste Good Line
If you are like me and most anglers, we both forget which pound test line is on our reels and/or we can’t remember when we last re-spooled. Either way, we all waste our $10-$20 of our hard earned money stripping perfectly good line off our reels because we want to make sure we have the freshest and correct pound test line before the next big day on the water. We admittedly do it so that we don’t lose a trophy fish or even worst, lose a tournament winning fish!

Save hundreds of dollars per fishing reel.
Don't re-spool prematurely
Is it mono of floro? 12lb or 15lb? Never forget which line is on your reel.
Nothing beats having confidence on the water knowing your line is correct and you're saving money.