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Reuben Evans 10 Year Anniversary!

Reuben Evans 10 Year Anniversary!

Today is the 10th year anniversary of Reuben Evans first day here at Kistler Rods. Reuben has served our customers with excellence, respect, patience and friendliness for the last 10 years. For those of you who have had the pleasure of speaking with Reuben, you know just what we are so proud of today. Reuben is from Dallas, Texas but later moved to the Kistler Rods, Magnolia, Texas location to work. He started in the shipping department, worked up to helping in rod production and later moved into customer service where he found himself helping Kistler fans and customers from around the world. Reuben has proven to be the finest customer service man on the planet, period. I look forward to the day you are lucky enough to speak to Mr. Reuben Evans here at Kistler Rods because he will make you a customer for life.

As a person, anyone would be honored to get to know Reuben. He is, in my opinion, the closest thing to a real life Saint or even an Angel, as you’ll ever have a chance to know. Here are just a few examples where his true character has shined through. Ten years ago, Reuben married a wonderfully sweet widowed woman who suffers with MS, a physically disabling disease with no cure and has loved and served her faithfully for all of the years since. Reuben also cares for of his wife’s mother who lives in their home. Reuben cooks, cleans and works an eight-hour day. Reuben has never, ever and I mean never, spoken a negative word since I have know him. Any normal human like you and I would most likely have plenty to complain about every day…not Reuben.

He is a God fearing man who loves the Lord and lives to serve others before himself. In terms of his loyalty and commitment to his work, Reuben has never once in ten years asked off a day or even an hour to play, relax, recuperate, or to do something for himself. He has however used his paid time off hours to take his wife to the doctors or help his sisters clean his mother’s home so they could sell it. That’s it….can you imagine not ever taking even a Saturday off to go fishing for ten years!!? This man is amazing and a true example of what Jesus did for us while on planet earth. Christ lived to serve others more than just ten years….he served his entire adult life, even until he gave his own life for us so that we could all have a means to a relationship with our Heavenly Father God. You know the bible verse John 3:16?

So today we honor Reuben for his living legacy on how we all should strive to be while here on planet earth. I am so thankful that Reuben has been placed in my life to help with my business and my way of thinking.

If you would like to send Reuben a thank you note or a congratulations or anything at all, please feel free to email him at anytime or even drop him a letter in the mail to the office or anything else your heart desires.

Thank you,
Trey Kistler
