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The Best Fishing Story Ever

The Best Fishing Story Ever

One day long ago, a master fisherman was walking along the lake shore. Upon seeing a group of tired anglers washing their empty nets from a long night's of fruitless efforts, he hopped in his boat and set out to meet them. He called out to ask if he could help them, "Drop your nets on the other side of the boat".

The guys said they had already tried their hardest and that there were no fish anywhere to be caught." The master said, "Have faith, drop your nets into the deep waters one more time and see what you have been missing." So they decided to trust him and suddenly, to their surprise, the weight of their net tugged and pulled nearly bursting as it filled with fish to overflowing.

Startled and puzzled by the strange ability this man had to attract the fish to their net, the fishermen determined to hang on his every word until they discovered the secret to the irresistible lure that could hook the prized trophy everyone longs for.

Passed on from man to man, as effective today as on that first fishing excursion, the bait that never fails is yours for the taking as a free gift.

  • Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Acts 16:31).
  • Acknowledge and repent of your sins (1 John 1:9).
  • Invite Jesus into your heart and life by confessing with your mouth (Romans 10:9).
  • Tell others about Jesus as Savior and Lord (Mark 16:15).

Don't miss the catch of your lifetime! The big one, eternal life, awaits you. The prize above all trophies is Jesus Christ. He is calling you into fellowship. He wants more than anything to share his secrets with you so you too can become a fisher of men (Luke 5:1:11).
